When a new species is discovered is when the process of growing the variety in sufficient numbers really begins. And in the same conditions the species was found in nature.
Conditions that are replicated in our greenhouses, which measure a total of 4.4 hectares. There, every plant is given the same time to develop as it would in the wild, with sufficient space to grow into a fully mature plant. And our 90,000-litre reservoir also means every plant has sufficient clean water.
With an expert eye, we follow the plant’s development in the greenhouse to ensure it has everything it needs. And then, after what can sometimes be several years, it’s time for the new variety to take the world by storm. This is something the Bush Brothers have done with the orchids they specialize in: the Oncidium, Zygopetalum and Brassia.
The result of their passion for nature’s unknown is a collection of 50 orchids and green plants – some of which are unique, most of which are very exclusive. Who still knows scented orchids? Flowers with a panther motif? Or blue or black orchids? We do, the Bush Brothers. The collection is worth exploring, from the comfort of your home. Enjoy!